QST QST QST. Welcome to
the weekly net for the Monterey Bay Amateur Radio
Association. This is CALL, NAME, Net Control for this evening,
coming to you from N6IJ and the Internet Via Echolink at
K6OJ-R. This is a directed net,
please direct any traffic through Net Control. This net is held every
Friday at 7:30PM on the WR6ABD repeater and is open to
all Radio Amateurs. If you have emergency or priority
traffic, please use the prowords, “break-break” at any
time during the net. Is there any emergency or priority
traffic at this time? MBARA operates the Mighty
N6IJ Superstation on the site of the former Ft. Ord’s
Military Affiliate Radio Station. Now owned by the City
of Marina and operated by MBARA, N6IJ is the only
inter-club station of its kind, a unique regional
resource. The station is available 24 hours a day, seven
days a week to members who can operate on VHF, UHF, and
HF bands. MBARA includes members from local Amateur
Radio clubs such as K6LY, (The Naval Post- Graduate
School Amateur Radio Club in Monterey), K6BJ, (The Santa
Cruz County Amateur Radio Club), and WR6ABD, (The Loma
Pioneer Repeater Club) as well as other hams from around
the state and the world. For more information, visit our
website at N6IJ.org. Thanks, as always, to the
Loma Pioneer Repeater Club for the use of this repeater.
Tune to this frequency, 164.640 MHz, Tuesday nights at 8
PM for the LPRC club net and Newsline. (ACKNOWLEDGE EACH CHECK IN WITH “THE NET RECOGNIZES...” We will begin with officer check-ins. Any reports, please so state: Dusan, KN6OBW: MBARA President. Liam, WA6RAH: MBARA Vice President. OPEN: MBARA Secretary. Jeff, KG6UYZ: MBARA
Treasurer. Jim, WA6DIJ: MBARA Board Member at Large. Donald, AE6RF: NCCC
Representative. Cap, KE6AFE: SCCARC Representative. Linda, K6GRL: NPSARC
Representative We will now continue with check-ins from the MBARA membership. State your call sign phonetically, your first name and your location, and indicate if you have a QST. MBARA members, please come now. (Acknowledge each group of check-ins with: “The Net Welcomes: (call sign, name and location checking in.) (Take QST’s at the end of regular member check-ins; i.e. - “Linda, go ahead with your QST.”) Any other MBARA members, please come now. At this time we will take visitors and late members. The Monterey Bay Amateur Radio Association encourages everyone listening to check in to our net. Are there additional QSTs or items of business for the net? Are there any accomplishments, findings or happenings that have occurred over the past week that would be interesting to the group? (Packet, Satellite, DX, weather, or any upcoming events ?) Are there other members with new reports? Example: new radios, antennas, packet TNC’s, special contacts, comments on recent conditions on the HF bands, QSL cards, new products available, or any other projects that are of interest to the group? Are there any swaps or wants? One last chance for check-ins, late members or visitors. Stay tuned for the weekly ARRL news. We had ____ check-ins tonight. Once again, thank you to the Loma Pioneer Repeater Club for use of this machine. Thank you for your interest in MBARA. For more information, please visit our web site at N6IJ.org. This is CALL, NAME, Net Control for this evening, saying 73 to all. Hope to hear you all next week. Now here’s the latest news from ARRL via N6IJ. Thank you all for staying tuned for the news. This is CALL, NAME, Net Control this evening for N6IJ saying 73 and returning the repeater to its normal use. 73s to all. |
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